Plants (Blue Tones Combo) - Collect from Maldon, Essex

Plants (Blue Tones Combo) - Collect from Maldon, Essex

Keeping it local - Plants grown at our nursery in Maldon, from seeds harvested in Maldon, for collection from Maldon.  Strong, well rooted plants ready for the garden. Collection from 8th-20th April - once you have placed your order we will contact you to arrange a collection time. These are click and collection only, not mail order.

Select your variety or choose the "one of each" option for the combo offer. 5 seedlings per pot. 

Albutt Blue - one of the most strongly scented sweet peas. White flowers, rimmed in bright blue.

Charlie's Angel - large pale powder blue flowers on long stems, spencer type

Just Julia - a good strong blue, big frilly flowers, spencer type

Turquoise Lagoon - something different! Flowers that emerge as pure warm lavender and then change colour to bright turquoise as they develop



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    Plants (Blue Tones Combo) - Collect from Maldon, Essex