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Bicolours and Reverse Bicolours

Bicolours and Reverse Bicolours

Many of us will be familiar with the idea of bicoloured flowers, where the flower shows two distinct, different colours. In sweet peas there is also the concept of reverse bicolours. But first, a quick definition of some flowery terms. The sweet pea flower has three different groups of petals. The…

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Which Sweet Peas are best for cut flowers?

Which Sweet Peas are best for cut flowers?

You've seen beautiful sweet peas in a garden setting but you'd love to have them as cut flowers - a vase for your own enjoyment, a gift for a friend or even to enter in a gardening or horticultural show - but what should you grow? Choosing the right sweet peas…

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Ripples, Stripes, Flakes and Fancies

Ripples, Stripes, Flakes and Fancies

As well as single "self" colours, sweet peas have all sorts of patterns and are often known as "novelties" or "fancies". This picture is of Sweet Pea Nimbus - it has a white background and an inky blue colour on the backs of the petals and a coloured rim around…

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